Beauty Tips for the Bride

beauty tips for the bride
Beauty Tips for the Bride

No matter what she wears, no matter what makeup she puts on, a woman is never more beautiful and more radiant than she is on her wedding day. Because all eyes are on the bride, beauty and enhancement tipsbeauty bride are worth sharing. There are some simple, but essential pointers to keep in mind when getting ready for the special day.

Begin with the basics. Looking good requires you to feel good. The time between your engagement and your wedding is an ideal time to begin a regular beauty and fitness regimen, which you will hopefully follow long past your special day. Taking the time to exercise, following a simple routine of skin care, developing and following good eating practices and adhering to a program of health maintenance (routine medical and dental checkups) are the best present you can give yourself as you and your future husband begin your lives together. If such a healthy lifestyle and beauty routine are new to you, it's advisable to consult with specialists, from skin care consultants to your family health practitioners. They will help to make certain that you're on the right track and ensure that you help not harm yourself.

beauty bride

Your wedding day or the days which immediately precede it are not a good time for experimentation or changes, especially drastic ones. A permanent, radically different hair style, cut or color is best done months before the wedding date. Done sufficiently in advance, such new ideas have enough time to be undone, should you choose to do so. Your wedding day is not the time to reinvent your look. It is instead a time to use beauty enhancement to accent your natural beauty and good qualities.

Consult with your hairdresser about the most flattering hair style that will work best with your wedding veil and will hold, comfortably, throughout your wedding day. At least a month in advance of your wedding make an appointment at your beauty salon. Bring in your wedding veil and have your hairdresser style your hair as you will wear it on your wedding day. You'll need to decide whether or not you'll be wearing your head piece after the ceremony. If you'll be removing your head piece, make sure your hairdo will work with the head piece off and make certain that it is easy to remove. Should you choose to intertwine flowers in your hair, consult with both your hairdresser and florist about flowers that will "wear well." If your hairdresser will be doing your hair at the salon, make an appointment well in advance. If you'll be having your hair done at home, make certain to make those arrangements in a timely manner. If you're doing your own hair for your wedding, make certain that the style you choose is not so complicated that you will not be able to manage on your own. No surprises make for less stress!

beauty bride

Frizzy hair can be a real problem in humid weather. Don't panic. A trial run before your wedding day will eliminate most surprises, but can't ensure perfect weather. To get hair smooth, simply apply an antihumectant (anti-wetness) product. If the rain or humidity causes your to droop, for an emergency fix, use a volumizer spray at the roots.

Even if you have perfect looking skin, the few days before your wedding are not a good time for a facial. Even good complexions may flare up under the pressures of wedding planning. Deep facial massage and manipulation can cause redness and bumps that may not go away in time for your wedding day. If it's in your budget, ideally it would be wonderful to plan several facials beginning at six months before your wedding and up to ten days before the special day. This kind of scheduling will allow your skin a chance to recover and minimize stress-related eruptions.

You will also need to decide whether you will have your makeup done professionally on the day of your wedding. If so, it's wise to have a trial-run at least once. If professional makeup on your wedding day doesn't figure in your budget, consider scheduling one or two visits with a makeup artist before your special day.

beauty bride - indian wedding

If you're comfortable doing your own makeup, the months before your wedding are perfect time to learn all you can about the "look" you will try to achieve. Check out colors and products. Remember that you will be under stress when applying your makeup on your wedding day, so keep it as simple as possible in effort to make duplicating your look relatively easy. Keep in mind that a fair-skined bride often looks rosier when surrounded by attendants wearing pink. Keep in mind your own skin tones and whether or not you will be more tanned on your wedding day because of the time of year.

Don't forget your hands when it comes to beauty preparation. If your budget allows, splurge on a manicure. Ragged cuticles or chipped polish are unattractive. If your nails are in generally good condition, a French manicure is most becoming. It's a lovely way to draw attention to your hands and to match your wedding gown, be white, off-white or ivory. If your nails are not in terrific shape there are other options. Today, temporary nails are made to look very natural. Because they really don't last more than seven to ten days, its best to have them done as close to the wedding day as possible. Artificial nails can be applied a month or to before the wedding and shaped as your wedding day approaches. It's a good idea for you to take along a nail repair kit, just in case. Go easy on hand lotion on the day of your wedding, because of its oily nature, stains are very difficult to remove from satin or silk.

bridal makeup

Because you'll be on your feet for hours, make certain that your shoes fit comfortably. The look of pain from tight fitting shoes can undo hours of make up preparation. Be sure to break in your shoes by wearing them around a house before your wedding. Take an extra pair to change into after the ceremony, if necessary. White or off white flats are perfectly acceptable, as are fancy sneakers with funky designs (becoming all the norm these days). You might also, if budget allows, treat yourself to a pedicure, so that your feet are picture perfect. A foot massage is a wonderful way to relax and can be a fabulous adjunct to a facial and/or a pedicure.

If you wake up the morning of your wedding with a blemish, it's best to let nature take its course. That means taking no extraordinary means of making the blemish disappear (e.g. squeezing it). Beauty experts advise applying a thick, non-oily, waterproof concealer that is highly pigmented and saturation in powder. Place a little on your hand to warm the product and use a lip brush to apply and your finger to smooth. Set the concealer with a dusting of translucent powder.

Puffy eyes are a problem for many brides. The rehearsal dinner the night before, coupled with the associated stresses makes puffy eyes much the norm for the morning of the wedding day. There's a sure-fire cure, albeit a fairly "shocking" one. Fill it your sink with cold water. Add lots of ice. Splash the ice cold water onto your face for at least 25 minutes (longer if you can stand it). The less-radical solution is to lie down with two slices of cold cucumber, placed one on each eye. There are also, on the market, eye masks which can be frozen and placed over your eyes to reduce puffiness.

beauty bride - beforeandafter

A full-body massage the morning of your ceremony is a delightful way to prepare for the coming day. No one will debate the calming and relaxing effect that a massage will bring. This can be your ultimate treat yourself.

Of all the enhancements tips you use and no matter what makeup you apply, your true beauty will come from the radiance of your inner glow and happiness shining through. Enjoy the planning. Enjoy the day. Make every aspect of planning your wedding day joyful. That is by far the best beauty trick!

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beauty bride

beauty bride

beauty bride
Beauty Bride

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