Wedding Ring Styles

According to modern mass-culture, each young girl dreams of the perfect wedding ring with a luxurious setting and a monster diamond which will make heads turn and give it a second look. However, in most cases this sweet dream remains unrealizable. Most girls can't wait until some prince (young and extremely handsome, of course) offers them such an ring. Their intuition – as well as their parents' experience – suggest that plan won't do. So, if we consider marriage as an art of compromises, choosing a wedding ring is the first compromise.

First it may seem unbelievable, but apart from the ideal wedding band of your dream there also exist many other wedding ring styles. For example, Celtic wedding rings which are now popular all over the world, thanks to their uniqueness and symbolism. Antique wedding rings are another widespread choice among wedding ring styles. These bands feature rare gemstones and refined design with many elaborate details. Such wedding ring styles as estate and vintage wedding bands also refer to the antiquity, however, their bearers paid for the quality of stylization rather than for the history.

The names of many wedding ring styles concern the gemstone or precious metal that were chosen. Thus, diamond wedding bands are one of the most popular wedding ring styles. Titanium, yellow and white gold for settings come separately and together – in two-toned of even tree-toned wedding ring styles.

Those who seek durability should pay attention to platinum wedding rings, as this metal is distinguished not only by beauty and purity but also by its exceptional sturdiness.

Diamond wedding rings occupy a fitting place in a range of wedding ring styles. Most people still believe diamond is the only possible choice for wedding, nevertheless some of them agree on colored diamond or even diamond combined with other gemstones.

Those who can afford platinum mounted with diamonds but seek originality should try other wedding ring styles, cheaper gemstones, like pearls, or less expensive metals, such as white gold and silver.

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