Choosing The Perfect Prom Accessories

perfect prom accessoriesChoosing The Perfect Prom Accessories
After you have chosen your prom dress, you will want to make sure that you get the perfect prom accessories to go with your dress. Everything should be matching for your big night. Here are some tips on choosing the perfect prom accessories:

Prom Gloves
Gloves are in style once again. You can wear white evening gloves that you can pick up at stores that sell evening wear or your local department store. White gloves or black gloves are deemed to be appropriate. Some girls will dye their gloves to match the color of their dress. You can do this easily enough by getting some fabric dye to match the color of you dress.

You should be aware, however, that a little contrast is good. If you are wearing a dark colored prom dress, you can wear black evening gloves. They can be short or long sleeved. If you are wearing a pastel colored prom dress, white evening gloves are the best choice.

prom gloves

prom gloves

prom gloves

Prom Evening Bag
Do not forget your evening bag. The evening bag should match your shoes. This will also be dictated by the color of your prom dress. Many young women are wearing metallic evening bags or even vintage evening bags for the prom. If your shoes are white, carry a white evening bag. Again, this will look better with a light colored dress. A black evening bag is something that every woman should own and looks best with a dark colored dress.

prom evening bag

prom evening bag

prom evening bag

prom evening bagprom evening bag
prom evening bag

Prom Shoes

You can save yourself some money by skimping on the shoes and going to a shoe outlet where you can get heels for less. Young women today are not used to wearing high heels and will most likely find themselves stumbling around. Most girls will kick off the heels before dancing. Nevertheless, the shoes should be either black or white, depending on the dress color. You can, if you wish, dye the shoes to match your dress, although this is rarely done with prom dresses and is more commonly associated with bridesmaids dresses.

prom shoes
prom shoes

prom shoes

prom shoes

prom shoes

prom shoes

prom shoes

Prom Jewelry
If you have a strapless prom gown, you will want to do one of two things - wear sparkling earrings or wear a necklace. Do not wear both. Do not put your earrings in competition with your necklace. Less is more when it comes to prom jewelry. You can get away without wearing a necklace if you wear earrings. Make any jewelry that you wear with your prom dress tasteful and elegant. The 80s are over, so there is no sense in showing up to the prom dressed like Madonna.

If you decide to wear a tiara, ala Paris Hilton, let this be your ornamental jewelry. Wear the tiara in place of the necklace and sparkling earrings. Earrings can still be worn, of course, even with a necklace - but they should be less obvious. Stud earrings are perfect in such a case. If they are real diamonds, all the better Otherwise, cubic zirconia will do just as well.
prom jewelryprom jewelry
prom jewelry

prom jewelry

prom jewelry

prom jewelry

prom jewelry

Prom Flowers
It will be up to your date to give you flowers. Corsages are pretty much a thing of the past. Wrist corsages are what most of the young women today wear. They slip on your wrist and are easy to wear. Your date may also give you a nosegay, which is a mini bouquet. Your date should ask you what color dress you are wearing so that he can order the flowers for you prior to the dance.

You, on the other hand, can give your date a flower for his jacket lapel. It should be very similar to the color of your dress.

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers

prom flowers
Perfect Prom Accessories

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